[Christmas] Winterland is coming!
Hey everyone! So the time of the year is coming pretty quickly, that means that i have to finish all the christmas stuff asap! 🙂 Christmas dungeon will be done this week for sure. So stay tuned and check my web, the Winterland is coming!

[Christmas] Winterland – soon!
Hello everyone! Dungeon is still in the stage of preparation, but its gonna be done soon! Dungeon will contain 2 stages, 1 stage on frozen lake where is entrance into santa’s chamber, and another stage right in the santa’s chamber. I can’t wait to show a full result with you! Join my discord for more previews!

[Christmas] Winterland costumes
Hello everyone! Second set of costumes is done, for this one you choose this icy style (on discord). I wanted to make it a bit more special so i have prepared a special shining for it. It will require some C++ edits in Binary. I also offer just basic shining for those costumes (without the chest snowflake and shoulder effect).

[Christmas] What next is coming?
Hello! I get more and more questions about what is coming for christmas, if i make dungeon or cities and so on.. Yeah! Dungeon and cities are coming in few days (weeks maybe). Today i should release a second costume set for christmas and then i will start with dungeon! 🙂 There are still a lot of things coming for christmas, so stay tuned and join my discord server for daily info! 🙂