Abandoned Santa's workshop
- Server logo needed! You can’t get this dungeon without a server logo
Dungeon info
1. Floor
In this floor you have to set free all frozen reindeers.
- Kill all monsters
- Kill a boss
- Find and destroy correct stone. If you are destryoing wrong one, it will dissapear once it has under 40% of HP (you can change the pct in LIB file)
- Kill a boss again
- Open door to next floor
2. Floor
You have to fill up sleigh with gifts to break the Rudloph’s curse.
- Kill boss to spawn a bag
- Destroy the bag, put gift onto sleigh
- Kill all monsters to spawn a bag
- Destroy the bag, put gift onto sleigh
- Kill a boss to activcate all candy canes
- Destroy all candy canes to spawn a bag
- Destroy the bag, put gift onto sleigh
- Kill final boss – Rudolph